Venus rules 5th and 10th house is in 2nd house in Aquarius
As a Jyotish astrologer, the placement of Venus in the 2nd house in the Aquarius sign indicates a strong desire for wealth and material possessions. Venus, being the planet of love, beauty and luxury, when placed in the 2nd house of wealth, indicates a need for financial stability and comfort.
The Aquarius sign being an air sign that is ruled by Saturn is associated with hard work, discipline, and practicality. The placement of Venus in this sign suggests that the person may have unique or unconventional ideas regarding wealth and finances.
However, the planet Venus is weakened in the Aquarius sign because it is placed in the sign of its enemy planet Saturn. This may indicate a tendency towards spending money recklessly or being careless with finances.
Overall, the placement of Venus in the 2nd house in Aquarius sign indicates that financial gains may come through unconventional or unique ideas, but it is important for the individual to exercise caution and discipline when it comes to managing their monetary resources.