
Sun rules 3rd house is in 5th house in Libra

Sun rules 3rd house is in 5th house in Libra

As a Jyotish astrologer, I can tell you that having the Sun in the 5th house in Libra sign can indicate a person who likes to express themselves creatively, and enjoy the arts. This placement suggests that the individual may have a natural talent for music, dance, acting, or other forms of artistic expression.

The Sun represents the soul, the ego, and the sense of leadership, and when placed in the 5th house of creativity, it can suggest that the person may have a strong need to be recognized for their creative talents, and to express their unique personality to the world.

Libra is the sign of balance, harmony, and partnerships, and having the Sun in this sign can suggest that this person may feel the need to collaborate with others in order to express their creativity fully. They may also value beauty, aesthetics, and fairness, and may be drawn to careers in the arts or related fields.

Overall, having the Sun in the 5th house in Libra can indicate a person who is creative, expressive, and enjoys bringing beauty and harmony into the world through their unique talents and gifts.