
Sun rules 8th house is in 11th house in Scorpio

Sun rules 8th house is in 11th house in Scorpio

The placement of Sun in the 11th house of Scorpio sign is considered an average placement. This placement indicates that the native will have a good social circle and will have many friends. They will be influential and will have the ability to lead others.

The Scorpio sign is ruled by Mars and it is a watery sign. The presence of Sun in this sign indicates the native will have a confident and passionate personality. They will possess an intense energy and will have a magnetic personality that draws others towards them.

However, the placement of Sun in Scorpio sign in the 11th house can also make the native stubborn and possessive. They may be prone to jealousy and suspicion, especially in matters related to their social network or friends.

In conclusion, the placement of Sun in the 11th house of Scorpio sign indicates that the native will have a strong social presence and will be well-respected by their friends and colleagues. They will have the potential to become successful leaders, but they need to avoid becoming too stubborn or possessive.