retrograde Venus rules 9th and 2nd house is in 6th house in Aquarius
Based on your astrological chart, you have retrograde Venus in the 6th house in Aquarius sign. This placement can have significant implications for your life and personality. Here are some of the potential effects of this placement:
Creativity: Retrograde Venus in Aquarius signifies a highly creative mind. You may possess unconventional ideas and enjoy doing things that are different from societal norms.
Relationships: You may struggle to form strong emotional bonds with others due to the retrograde nature of Venus. It's not that you don't want to connect with others, you just may find it challenging due to past hurts and emotions.
Health: This placement can influence the health of your digestive and urinary systems. You may experience issues with these areas due to stress and anxiety.
Career: The 6th house is associated with service, so you may find success in careers that involve serving others. You might make an excellent social worker or healthcare provider.
Finances: This placement can have a positive impact on your finances as Venus is the planet of wealth, but as it is retrograde, it could also cause some delays or obstacles.
Overall, retrograde Venus in the 6th house in Aquarius is an intriguing placement that can impact different aspects of your life. It's important to seek the guidance of a knowledgeable astrologer who can provide more insights into your chart and offer personalized advice.