retrograde Mercury rules 8th and 11th house is in 1st house in Scorpio
Based on the retrograde Mercury in the 1st house of Scorpio sign, there are a few predictions that can be made:
Communication: Retrograde Mercury in Scorpio can cause communication-related issues, and being in the 1st house can worsen it. The individual may find it challenging to express themselves effectively, which can lead to misunderstandings.
Mental Focus: Retrograde Mercury can also impact mental focus, causing confusion and lack of clarity in thoughts. This can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety.
Self-Reflection: This retrograde can also increase the individual's self-awareness and the need for self-reflection. They may find themselves contemplating their thoughts, behaviours, and actions more often.
Intense Emotions: Scorpio being a water sign, the retrograde mercury can intensify emotional reactions and make the individual more sensitive. They may find it challenging to control their emotions, which can lead to outbursts and conflicts.
Career and Education: Retrograde Mercury in 1st house in Scorpio can impact education and career prospects. The individual may face difficulties in decision-making and planning, leading to setbacks in their professional and educational pursuits.
As a jyotish astrologer, it is essential to understand how the placement of planets impacts an individual's life and to provide remedies accordingly to minimize the negative effects of planetary influences.