
retrograde Jupiter rules 11th and 2nd house is in 4th house in Taurus

retrograde Jupiter rules 11th and 2nd house is in 4th house in Taurus

In Vedic astrology, retrograde Jupiter in the 4th house in Taurus sign can indicate a few things.

Firstly, Jupiter represents wealth, wisdom, and expansion, and its retrograde motion can sometimes indicate delays or setbacks in these areas. However, it's important to remember that retrograde planets can also have a more inward-directed energy, and may ask us to focus more on introspection and reflection rather than external achievements.

With Jupiter in the 4th house, which represents our roots, home, and inner world, there may be a strong focus on these areas of life. You may feel a deep need for stability and security, and may prioritize creating a comfortable and nurturing home environment.

Since Taurus is a sign associated with material comforts and possessions, the retrograde Jupiter in Taurus could indicate a need to reevaluate your relationship with money and resources. You may be asked to let go of any material attachments or possessiveness, and instead cultivate a sense of abundance and generosity.

Overall, this placement of Jupiter is asking you to slow down and look inward, focusing on building a strong foundation for yourself and those closest to you. While there may be some delays or challenges along the way, trust that this process will ultimately lead to greater expansion and growth.