
Rahu is in 9th house in Gemini

Rahu is in 9th house in Gemini

As a jyotish astrologer, I can tell you that when Rahu is placed in the 9th house of a person's horoscope and in the Gemini sign, it can have both positive and negative effects.

On the positive side, this placement of Rahu can make a person highly intellectual and well-versed in various subjects. They may have a great thirst for knowledge and be interested in philosophy and spirituality. Such an individual may also have strong communication and persuasive skills, which can make them excel in public speaking, sales, or other fields that require excellent communication.

On the negative side, the placement of Rahu in the 9th house can also make a person develop a tendency towards bending the truth or being deceitful in their communication. Such a person may also be prone to taking shortcuts or unethical means to achieve their goals, which can have negative consequences in the long term.

Additionally, this placement of Rahu may also lead to hurdles and obstacles in the person's education or travel endeavors, leading to disappointments in these areas.

Overall, the impact of Rahu in the 9th house of Gemini sign can vary based on the individual's entire birth chart and planetary positions. A detailed analysis of the same can give a clearer idea of the person's destiny, strengths, and weaknesses.