
Rahu is in 7th house in Aquarius

Rahu is in 7th house in Aquarius

Jyotish astrology considers Rahu to be a shadow planet that represents deep desires, obsessions, and ambitions. The placement of Rahu in the 7th house of a horoscope signifies a strong influence on the relationships and partnerships of an individual.

In Aquarius sign, Rahu brings unconventional and rebellious qualities to the 7th house, indicating that the native may have a unique and independent approach towards relationships. They may seek partners who are unconventional, free-spirited, and who share their values and beliefs.

However, Rahu can also create a tendency for the native to be stubborn and fixated on their desires, leading to conflicts and complications in relationships. They may also struggle to maintain the balance between their personal desires and their responsibilities towards their relationships.

As a jyotish astrologer, it is important to examine the placement of other planets in the horoscope and their aspect to Rahu to gain a deeper understanding of its impact on the native's life. Remedies such as chanting specific mantras or performing rituals may also be suggested to mitigate any negative effects of Rahu in the 7th house.