
Rahu is in 6th house in Capricorn

Rahu is in 6th house in Capricorn

As a Jyotish astrologer, I can tell you that having Rahu in the 6th house in the sign of Capricorn can have some significant effects on your life.

The 6th house is associated with enemies, diseases, and obstacles, while Capricorn is linked with hard work, discipline and ambition. Rahu, in Vedic astrology, represents material desires, worldly success, and ambition.

The presence of Rahu in the 6th house means that you may have an intense desire to overcome your enemies, illnesses and obstacles by using unconventional methods. You may be highly competitive and driven to succeed, which can lead to excessive stress and an unbalanced approach towards life's challenges.

However, Rahu in Capricorn can also bring a lot of discipline and focus to your approach. You may be more methodical and analytical in dealing with problems, and you may have a natural tendency to plan effectively and think outside the box.

In terms of health, Rahu in this position can make you prone to respiratory and stomach issues, so it's essential to take care of your physical health and avoid any excesses that can lead to stress or burnout.

Overall, it is important to remember that Rahu is a shadow planet, and thus its effects can be unpredictable. Seeking guidance from an experienced astrologer can help you navigate the energies of Rahu in your 6th house more effectively.