
Rahu is in 1st house in Aries

Rahu is in 1st house in Aries

Having Rahu in the 1st house in Aries sign in a person’s birth chart can bring both positive and negative effects, depending on how the planet is placed and aspected by other planets.

On the positive side, Rahu in the 1st house can make a person highly ambitious and driven towards success. Such a person may possess leadership qualities from an early age and may be drawn towards adventurous activities. They may have an unconventional personality and may not conform to societal norms.

On the negative side, Rahu in the 1st house can also make a person egotistical and self-centered. Such a person may place personal gain over relationships and may struggle with sharing credit. They may also be prone to taking risky decisions without considering the consequences.

This placement can also create health issues related to the head, such as migraines, tension headaches or even brain-related illnesses. An afflicted Rahu in the 1st house can also bring sudden or unexpected events, so it is always advisable to have a well thought out risk-management plan.