
Moon rules 10th house is in 6th house in Pisces

Moon rules 10th house is in 6th house in Pisces

As a jyotish astrologer, I can say that Moon in 6th house in Pisces sign indicates that you have a nurturing and caring nature towards others, especially those who are in need. You are highly sensitive and empathetic towards others and have a natural inclination towards serving and helping them.

However, this placement may also make you prone to anxiety and worry, especially related to your work and health. You may also experience mood swings and emotional instability, which can affect your relationships with others.

To balance the effects of this placement, it is important for you to develop a consistent self-care routine, including regular exercise and meditation to calm your mind and emotions. You should also focus on developing a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout and stress-related health issues. Overall, this placement indicates a strong potential for compassion and service, but self-care and emotional regulation should also be a priority.