Moon rules 7th house is in 3rd house in Pisces
With Moon in the 3rd house of your birth chart in Pisces sign, you are a very creative and imaginative person. You possess excellent communication skills and can convey your thoughts and ideas very convincingly. Your thoughts and feelings are deeply influenced by your emotions and intuition.
Additionally, you have a fondness for literature, poetry, and artistic endeavors. You may have a natural talent for writing, and you can express yourself more effectively through the written word than through other forms of communication.
Your relationship with your siblings will be particularly potent, and you may have a deep emotional connection with them. However, at times, your excessive emotional involvement may cause misunderstandings and conflicts in your relationships.
On the negative side, due to the influence of Pisces sign, you may have trouble staying grounded and may often resort to escapism or fantasy. Therefore, developing a practical approach towards life and being more realistic in your thought process is crucial for you to achieve success and stability in life.