
Moon rules 3rd house is in 10th house in Aquarius

Moon rules 3rd house is in 10th house in Aquarius

As a jyotish astrologer, I would interpret the placement of the Moon in the 10th house in Aquarius sign as having significant implications for the native's career and public image.

The Moon is a planetary significator of emotions, intuition, and psychological tendencies, and in this placement, it is in the 10th house, which represents one's career, profession, and public image. This suggests that the native's emotions and psychological tendencies are heavily influenced by their professional life, and their career aspirations and achievements are likely to derive a great deal of importance in their life.

Aquarius, as the sign in which the Moon is placed, is associated with innovation, originality, and unconventional thinking. This suggests that the native may have unique and creative approaches to problem-solving in their work, which can help them stand out from their colleagues.

However, the Moon in the 10th house can also indicate a certain amount of emotional instability and moodiness in the native's professional life, which can make it challenging for them to remain focused and consistent in their work.

Overall, this placement suggests that the native is likely to be ambitious and career-oriented, with a unique and innovative approach to their profession. However, they may also struggle with emotional fluctuations and finding emotional fulfillment in their work, which may require them to find ways to maintain balance and stability in their professional life.