
Mercury rules 5th and 8th house is in 9th house in Libra

Mercury rules 5th and 8th house is in 9th house in Libra

When Mercury is placed in the 9th house in the sign of Libra, it signifies a strong placement for the houses of higher learning, philosophy, and religion. This placement indicates that the person has natural intellectual abilities, and they have a hunger for knowledge and a deep interest in spirituality.

As the 9th house is associated with higher education, this placement indicates that the person is likely to be a good student who will do well in academic pursuits, particularly in the fields of philosophy, spirituality, and law. They may have a great love for learning and enjoy spending time in academic pursuits, and may even pursue a career in academia later on.

Mercury in the 9th house in the Libra sign makes the individual very fair and balanced in their thought process. This gives them a great ability to communicate effectively with others and build strong relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. They are likely to have excellent communication skills, and may even be a natural negotiator or diplomat.

Overall, this is a very positive placement for Mercury, indicating a strong intellect and a deep interest in higher learning and spirituality. With their strong communication and negotiation skills, they are likely to have great success in whatever career path they choose to pursue.