Ketu is in 9th house in Taurus
If there is a placement of Ketu in the 9th house of Taurus sign in a birth chart, it can have certain effects on the individual's life.
Ketu is a shadow planet that is known to bring unconventional and sudden changes in life. Therefore, this placement can make the person inclined towards spiritual and philosophical pursuits. They may have a detached approach towards religion and may prefer spirituality over any specific religious practices. Such an individual may also be interested in occult sciences and uncovering the hidden mysteries of life.
The 9th house is associated with higher education, long-distance travels, philosophy, and beliefs. Therefore, this placement can make the native intelligent and have a love for learning new topics. However, they may also find it challenging to gain specialized knowledge in a particular subject.
Taurus is a fixed earth sign and ruled by Venus, indicating that this placement can bring materialistic gains and possessions. However, the person may struggle to find the right balance between materialistic and spiritual pursuits.
Overall, the placement of Ketu in the 9th house in Taurus sign can bring a mix of spiritual and materialistic pursuits in the individual's life. They may be drawn towards a philosophical or spiritual lifestyle but also possess a keen interest in accumulating material possessions.