Ketu is in 9th house in Scorpio
Ketu in the 9th house in Scorpio sign indicates that you have a natural inclination towards mystical, spiritual or occult knowledge. You tend to seek truths beyond the physical realm and have an inherent interest in exploring the deeper aspects of life. You have a secretive nature and tend to keep your beliefs and beliefs system to yourself, preferring to unravel them through your own experiences.
Ketu's placement in this house can make you skeptical towards religion or traditional belief systems, and you may prefer to seek your own path towards spiritual growth. You have a natural gift for metaphysical insights, and you may have experiences of paranormal phenomena that seem to occur without any logical explanation.
However, this placement can also indicate a tendency to be detached or aloof from others' opinions, causing you to face difficulties in forming deep connections with others. You may also struggle to find the right balance between your spiritual pursuits and your day-to-day material existence. Overall, this placement can either lead to a great sense of spiritual liberation or can cause isolation and detachment from the physical world.