
Ketu is in 9th house in Libra

Ketu is in 9th house in Libra

As a Jyotish astrologer, I can tell you that having Ketu in the 9th house in Libra sign can have certain effects on your life.

The 9th house in Vedic astrology is related to religion, spirituality, higher education, long-distance travel, and good fortune. Ketu is known to be a planet that represents detachment, spirituality, and enlightenment.

With Ketu in the 9th house, you may have a tendency towards detachment from materialistic desires and a stronger inclination towards spirituality. You may be interested in exploring different religions and philosophies, and may have a deep respect for spiritual leaders and gurus.

There may also be an indication of some unexpected help or good fortune from your past karma related to your higher education or long-distance travel. You may find that you're able to accomplish your goals more easily and efficiently than others.

However, it's important to note that Ketu can also create a sense of confusion or restlessness in these areas of life, so it's important to find balance and maintain a clear sense of purpose. You may also benefit from keeping your mind active and engaged in learning and exploring new ideas to avoid falling into complacency or stagnation.