
Ketu is in 9th house in Aries

Ketu is in 9th house in Aries

Ketu in the 9th house in Aries sign can have both positive and negative effects on an individual's life.

On the positive side, this placement signifies a strong inclination towards spirituality and religious beliefs. This individual may have a deep interest in metaphysical studies, and they may possess a strong intuitive ability. They may also have natural healing abilities and may excel in areas such as Ayurvedic medicine, astrology, and yoga.

On the negative side, this placement may indicate that the individual may struggle with relationships with their father and father figures. Ketu's placement in the 9th house can create detachment from religious beliefs and a tendency to question established dogmas. This individual may also be prone to accidents and injuries, particularly related to travel and long-distance journeys.

Overall, this placement suggests that the native may have a unique perspective on spirituality, and they may naturally seek to explore and understand it in unconventional ways. They may also face challenges related to breaking free from traditional norms and beliefs, particularly in regards to familial and societal expectations. As a Jyotish astrologer, it is important to suggest remedies such as wearing gemstones or performing specific rituals to balance the negative effects of Ketu in the 9th house.