Ketu is in 7th house in Aquarius
When Ketu is placed in the 7th house of a person's horoscope, it affects their relationships and partnerships. This placement may indicate a person who is highly independent and may have difficulty forming strong bonds or attachments with others. They may also be unconventional in their ideas of relationships and may not conform to traditional societal norms.
Aquarius is a sign of progressiveness and innovation, ruled by Saturn and Uranus. This placement may indicate a person who is highly innovative in their approach to relationships and may prioritize intellectual stimulation over emotional connection. They may also have a unique or unusual approach to partnerships.
Ketu brings detachment and isolation, and when it is placed in the 7th house, it may create a sense of detachment in relationships. This placement may make it challenging for people with this placement to form stable partnerships or maintain harmonious relationships, and they may experience delays and obstacles in getting married.
Overall, the placement of Ketu in the 7th house in the Aquarius sign suggests that the person needs to cultivate a greater awareness of their relationship patterns and work on developing stronger connections with others while still maintaining their independence and unique approach to partnerships.