Ketu is in 5th house in Aquarius
Ketu represents detachment and spirituality, and its placement in the 5th house of creativity and children in the Aquarius sign suggests a unique approach to these areas of life. This placement can indicate that the native may have a strong connection to the spiritual realm or may have unorthodox ways of expressing their creativity.
The 5th house governs the creative aspect of a person and the intellect they possess. The presence of Ketu here can indicate that the native's creativity may stem from a more spiritual understanding and that they may find it easier to access this inspiration by detaching themselves from the material world.
On the positive side, this placement can indicate that the native possesses an innate ability to delve into deep levels of meditation, and a natural inclination towards spirituality. On the flip side, it can also indicate a lack of emotional connection or detachment towards romantic partners, or a tendency to neglect their responsibilities towards their children.
It is advisable for such natives to regularly meditate and maintain a balance between their spiritual and material pursuits. Additionally, they may need to consciously work on developing emotional connections with others and ensuring that their responsibilities towards loved ones are not neglected.