
Ketu is in 4th house in Capricorn

Ketu is in 4th house in Capricorn

The placement of Ketu in the 4th house in Capricorn sign is often considered to be quite challenging. This position denotes that the native may experience solitude, detachment, and spiritual inclination in their life.

On the positive side, this placement can bestow the person with great depths of spirituality and intuition. They may have a heightened sensitivity towards the divine and may experience mystical and transcendental experiences.

However, Ketu in the 4th house may also bring challenges related to family and home life. The native may find it difficult to connect with their family members, feel a sense of detachment, or be unable to find emotional solace within their home environment.

It is important for the native with this placement to prioritize connecting with their inner self and spiritual practices. They should also work on developing a strong sense of emotional grounding and stability, as well as finding ways to balance their search for the spiritual with their worldly responsibilities.