Ketu is in 3rd house in Scorpio
As a jyotish astrologer, here is what I can tell you about Ketu in the 3rd house in Scorpio sign:
The 3rd house represents communication, siblings, short-distance travel, courage, and initiatives. Scorpio sign represents deep emotions, transformation, hidden talents, occult knowledge, and research.
Ketu in the 3rd house can make you introspective, mystical, and curious about the hidden secrets of life. You may have a philosophical approach towards communication and prefer to express yourself in a cryptic or mysterious way. You may also have a detached or unconventional style of writing, speaking or even thinking.
Ketu in Scorpio sign can intensify your desire for occult research, spirituality, and metaphysics. You may be fascinated by the mysteries of death, afterlife, reincarnation, and kundalini awakening. You may have a natural inclination towards astrology, tarot, mysticism, and healing arts.
Ketu in the 3rd house can give you a sharp or intuitive mind, but also make you prone to mental restlessness, anxiety, and confusion. You may have a tendency to overthink, doubt yourself, or have a hard time being assertive in social situations. You may also face challenges in maintaining harmony with your siblings or neighbors.
The placement of Rahu, Jupiter, and Mars in your birth chart can influence the effects of Ketu in the 3rd house in Scorpio sign. It is recommended to consult a skilled astrologer who can analyze your chart in detail and provide personalized guidance on how to make the most of your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.