Ketu is in 3rd house in Capricorn
Ketu in the 3rd house in Capricorn sign can indicate a highly analytical and logical mind with a strong detachment towards emotions and sentiments. Such placement of Ketu can make the person highly intellectual and sharp, with a tendency to be interested in research and analytical fields. However, this placement can sometimes also make the person introverted and reticent in communication.
The person with Ketu in the 3rd house in Capricorn sign may struggle with communication and often find themselves grappling with a lack of self-confidence. They may face challenges in expressing themselves and may, at times, come off as introverted and detached.
Positive aspects of this placement could be that the person may find themselves highly skilled in certain fields like mathematics, engineering, and other technical fields where analytical skills are highly valued. This placement may also bless them with a strong sense of individuality and independence.
However, it is crucial for the person to work towards overcoming the tendency towards introversion and to develop stronger communication skills, as this will help them navigate personal and professional relationships better.