
Ketu is in 2nd house in Cancer

Ketu is in 2nd house in Cancer

Ketu in the 2nd house in Cancer sign indicates that the native may face challenges related to finances, family and speech. It can affect the earning capacity of the individual and could create instability in financial matters. The individual may also have a tendency to speak hastily without thinking of the consequences.

On a positive note, the placement of Ketu in the 2nd house may help the native to detach themselves from materialistic desires, which can lead to spiritual growth. The individual may also be able to communicate in a clearer and more concise manner once they learn to harness the energy of Ketu.

As a Jyotish astrologer, one can recommend the native to practice meditation and yoga to help balance the Ketu energy. They can also suggest performing remedies related to the Moon, Cancer sign, and the 2nd house to strengthen these areas of life. A careful analysis of other planetary influences on the 2nd house and its lord can provide a more accurate picture of the native's financial status and communication skills.