Ketu is in 2nd house in Aquarius
As a Jyotish astrologer, the placement of Ketu in the 2nd house of Aquarius sign can have significant influences on an individual's life.
The 2nd house represents finances, speech, family, and possessions. When Ketu is positioned in this house, it can lead to a detachment from material possessions and a focus on spiritual growth. However, it can also cause financial instability or sudden changes related to wealth.
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, and it adds an unconventional and innovative approach to the way the individual communicates and interacts with their family and friends. They can be highly individualistic in their thinking and have unique ideas about society and the world as a whole.
In regards to speech, this placement can make the individual more introspective in their language and may cause them to speak less frequently. It can also lead to a demand for authenticity and truthfulness in communication.
It is important to note that the influence of Ketu is deeply affected by the placement and aspects of other planets in one's chart. A comprehensive analysis of an individual's birth chart is necessary to determine a more accurate reading.