
Ketu is in 12th house in Virgo

Ketu is in 12th house in Virgo

Ketu in the 12th house often indicates a deep interest in spirituality or mysticism. This placement suggests someone who is introspective, solitary, and a bit of a recluse. Those with Ketu in the 12th house can be detached from the physical world and have little interest in material possessions or worldly pursuits.

In the sign of Virgo, Ketu brings a sense of practicality to these spiritual pursuits. You may find yourself drawn to practices that emphasize self-improvement, self-discipline, or purification. Your analytical mind may help you to understand complex spiritual teachings and concepts.

However, this placement may also indicate a tendency towards rigidity or perfectionism. You may struggle to relax or let go of control, which can hinder your spiritual growth. It is important to remember that true spirituality is about surrendering to a higher power, rather than exerting your willpower over the world.

Overall, the placement of Ketu in the 12th house in Virgo can bring both challenges and rewards on the spiritual path. It is important to remain open-minded and flexible, while also staying true to your values and principles.