Ketu is in 12th house in Libra
The placement of Ketu in the 12th house in the Libra sign suggests that you are a compassionate and spiritual individual who seeks harmony and balance in life. You tend to have a keen interest in spirituality and may even be drawn towards mystical practices.
Your 12th house Ketu placement indicates that you may have a detachment towards materialistic pursuits and may often feel a sense of isolation from the world. You may have a heightened intuitive ability and may possess a deep understanding of the subconscious mind.
However, this Ketu placement may also create some challenges for you. You may encounter obstacles in your career and have difficulty in finding a suitable profession. You may also face some health issues related to feet, eyes, and sleep disorders.
It is essential to maintain a balance between the material and spiritual aspects of life to overcome challenges related to this Ketu placement. Practicing meditation and spiritual pursuits will help you access a more profound understanding of yourself and the world around you. It is also advisable to seek astrological advice to identify specific remedies to alleviate the challenges posed by this placement.