
Ketu is in 11th house in Pisces

Ketu is in 11th house in Pisces

Ketu in the 11th house in Pisces sign indicates that you may need to be cautious when it comes to your social circle and material possessions. This position of Ketu can make you detached from materialistic gains and may make you value the importance of spiritual growth and progress.

You may find yourself being emotionally detached from groups or friends, and may not feel the need to be a part of social gatherings. However, it’s important to remember that social connections and networking can be beneficial to your personal and professional growth.

This position of Ketu may also bring sudden gains and opportunities for financial growth. However, it’s important to be cautious and practical with your finances to avoid any unexpected losses.

Overall, this placement of Ketu in the 11th house in Pisces sign indicates a need to strike a balance between spiritual growth and materialistic gains. It may also bring some unexpected opportunities and gains, but it’s important to be vigilant and cautious in all financial matters.