Ketu is in 11th house in Capricorn
Ketu in 11th house in Capricorn sign indicates that you may have a detached or disinterested approach towards friendships and social circles. You may find it difficult to connect with others on a deep level, and may prefer to keep your social life limited to a select few individuals.
This placement can also indicate a tendency to be more focused on material goals and financial gains rather than social connections. You may have a unique talent or skill that can help you achieve success in your career or financial pursuits, but you may need to guard against becoming too attached to material possessions or wealth.
Overall, it is important for you to develop a more balanced approach towards both material and social goals, and to work on cultivating meaningful relationships with people in your life. Paying attention to your own emotional needs and being open to deeper connections with others can help you find greater fulfillment and happiness in your life.