
Ketu is in 11th house in Aquarius

Ketu is in 11th house in Aquarius

The placement of Ketu in the 11th house of Aquarius sign can bring mixed results. The 11th house represents gains, income, friendships, and social circles. Ketu, on the other hand, is a planet of detachment, spirituality, and liberation.

With Ketu in the 11th house, you are likely to be detached from your friends and social circle. You may not be interested in material possessions or wealth accumulation. However, this placement can also give you spiritual and philosophical inclinations. You may be interested in understanding the deeper meaning of life and existence.

On the positive side, this placement can help you to detach from worldly possessions and focus on spiritual growth. You may be able to connect with like-minded people who share similar spiritual interests. This placement can also help you to develop your psychic and intuitive abilities.

On the negative side, Ketu in the 11th house can lead to isolation and detachment from society. It can also affect your financial situation, causing fluctuations and instability in your income. You may face difficulties in maintaining long-lasting friendships.

Overall, the impact of Ketu in the 11th house depends on the overall placement of other planets in your birth chart. A comprehensive analysis of your horoscope can provide a more detailed and accurate understanding of the effects of this placement on your life.