
Ketu is in 10th house in Pisces

Ketu is in 10th house in Pisces

Ketu in the 10th house of Pisces sign suggests that you have a unique and unconventional approach towards your career and public image. You are likely to feel detached from the materialistic aspects of your professional life and may have a spiritual or philosophical inclination.

You possess strong intuitive and psychic abilities, which can aid you in your career. However, at times, you may feel confused and directionless in your professional life. You may need to find a balance between your inner calling and outer requirements to achieve success.

Also, the placement of Ketu in this house indicates that you may have to face unexpected setbacks and obstacles in your career. Still, these obstacles will help you develop patience, resilience and perseverance, which will eventually lead you towards success.

It is imperative you focus on spiritual growth, meditation and routines to keep a grounded approach in life to achieve success.