Ketu is in 10th house in Leo
Jyotish astrology suggests that Ketu in Leo sign in the 10th house will have a significant impact on your career and reputation. Ketu is a shadow planet that indicates detachment, renunciation, and spiritual pursuits. Leo is a sign of creativity, self-expression, and leadership.
The placement of Ketu in this house suggests that you may have an unconventional approach to your career or may struggle to find a clear sense of direction. You may feel a sense of detachment from material success or find yourself pursuing careers that align with your spiritual values.
However, Ketu is also known to bring sudden changes and shifts, so you may experience unexpected twists and turns in your career journey. It is important to cultivate a sense of detachment and trust the journey as the universe may have bigger plans for you.
On the positive side, Leo is a sign of natural leadership and creativity, so you have the potential to shine in fields that allow you to express yourself and inspire others. Your intuitive abilities may also be strong, giving you a unique perspective on your career path.
Overall, the placement of Ketu in the 10th house in Leo sign requires a balance of detachment, creativity, and leadership to navigate your career journey successfully. It is essential to trust your inner guidance, pursue your passions, and trust the process.