
Ketu is in 10th house in Aries

Ketu is in 10th house in Aries

Ketu is a shadow planet known for detachment, spirituality, and unconventional thinking. When it is placed in the 10th house of Aries, it can bring some challenges to one's career and reputation.

People with this placement tend to have an independent streak and may not conform to traditional ideas of success or societal norms. They may find it difficult to fit into formal structures or hierarchies and prefer to work without a boss or set rules.

However, this placement can also bring a spiritual or mystical element to one's career. As Ketu represents detachment, people with this placement may not be driven by material success and may find fulfillment in pursuing a more soulful path.

On the negative side, this placement can also indicate a lack of direction or focus in one's career. People with this placement may struggle to find a clear path or goals and may find themselves jumping from job to job or project to project.

Overall, a strong 10th house Ketu placement requires careful navigation and a willingness to think outside of the box. It can bring challenges but also a unique perspective and spiritual fulfillment to one's career path.