
Jupiter rules 12th and 3rd house is in 7th house in Cancer

Jupiter rules 12th and 3rd house is in 7th house in Cancer

When Jupiter is placed in the 7th house of a person's horoscope and is in the Cancer sign, it can have significant effects on their personal relationships and partnerships.

Jupiter is considered the planet of wisdom, expansion, and growth. In the 7th house of relationships, it can bring positive energy, generosity, and cooperation to the partnership. The Cancer sign is associated with nurturing, emotional sensitivity, and protection for those we care about.

As a result, this placement can make the person inclined towards harmonious relationships and finding a partner who is loyal, caring, and provides a sense of emotional security. They may also be naturally drawn to nurturing and caring professions.

However, the negative effects of Jupiter in the 7th house can manifest as a tendency to overindulgence in pleasure and laziness in taking initiative and action in relationships. The person may also become too dependent on their partner and suffer from feelings of loneliness and rejection when the partner is not emotionally available.

A jyotish astrologer would take the overall context of the person's horoscope and the positions of other planets into account to provide a more comprehensive analysis of how this placement affects the person's life.