
Jupiter rules 1st and 4th house is in 12th house in Scorpio

Jupiter rules 1st and 4th house is in 12th house in Scorpio

Jupiter is the planet of wealth, wisdom, higher learning, and spirituality in Vedic astrology. 12th house represents hidden talents, losses, and spiritual liberation. Scorpio is a sign of transformation, power, and secrecy.

When Jupiter is placed in the 12th house in Scorpio sign, it indicates a highly spiritual and intuitive individual. They have a great depth of wisdom and insight into the mystical and occult. These individuals have the potential to attain deep states of meditative consciousness and experience spiritual liberation.

However, this placement also indicates a tendency to overspend or lose money through hidden or secret means. There may be a certain level of surreptitiousness or deception associated with this placement. The native will have to guard against unnecessary expenses and be cautious with investments.

Overall, Jupiter in the 12th house in Scorpio sign offers the potential for spiritual enlightenment and deep knowledge. However, it also cautions against avoiding financial responsibility and overindulgence.