
Jupiter rules 12th and 3rd house is in 11th house in Scorpio

Jupiter rules 12th and 3rd house is in 11th house in Scorpio

Jupiter in the 11th house in Scorpio sign indicates a highly influential presence of the planet of wisdom and knowledge in your friendship, social network, and community. This placement suggests that you are blessed with an optimistic and expansive outlook towards these areas of your life.

You are likely to have a significant circle of friends who are intellectually stimulating and socially conscious. They may also be passionate about issues like spirituality, philosophy, and higher learning. Your association with such a group will be highly productive and make you feel supported.

You possess an innate ability to connect with people from different walks of life and nurture a harmonious relationship. People look to you as a mediator and guide, and you are often venerated for your moral standing and benevolent nature.

This placement also indicates that you value personal growth and do not shy away from learning new things. You may express a keen interest in higher education or indulge in self-learning to widen your horizon. You may be inclined towards forming and joining institutions or organizations involved in philanthropic or social welfare activities.

Overall, Jupiter in 11th house in Scorpio is significant, and its influence can impact your life positively, especially in the realm of networking, collaborations, and community involvement.